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Technological learning in the energy sector

Technology learning is a key driver behind the improvement of (energy) technologies available to mankind and subsequent reduction of production costs. Many of the conventional technologies in use…

Nature Balance 2008 summary

To improve the quality of marine habitats, it is necessary to make the fishery more sustainable, improve the water quality and restore the natural dynamics. For the North Sea, spatial regulation is…

Lessons from global environmental assessments

Global targets for development and the environment will not be achieved if current trends are to continue. Analyses in IPCC Climate Change 2007, UNEP Global Environment Outlook 4, OECD Environmental…

Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for terrestrial ecosystems in Europe and Northern Asia using different soil chemical criteria

A critical load data base was developed for Europe and Northern Asia using the latest data bases on soils, vegetation, climate and forest growth. Critical loads for acidity and nutrient nitrogen for…

Bottom-up uncertainty estimate of global ammonia emissions from global agricultural production systems

n this paper we describe differences in the uncertainty of NH 3 emissions from agriculture and the major factors determining the uncertainty between countries and world regions, i.e. the USA, the…

From forest to waste: assessment of the Brazilian soybean chain, using nitrogen as a marker

With economic growth, urbanization and changing diets, world demand for plant-derived oils and their derivates is soaring. Oils are used inter alia in the food, feed and cosmetics industry, and…

Modelling and mapping long-term risks due to reactive nitrogen effects: an overview of LRTAP convention activities

Long-range transboundary air pollution has caused severe environmental effects in Europe. European air pollution abatement policy, in the framework of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary…

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2006

This report presents trends in greenhouse gas emissions, activity data and (implied) emission factors for the period 1990-2006 and sets out the methodology used, data sources and emission factors. The…

Climate, energy security and innovation

The threefold objective for EU energy policies is the mitigation of climate change, the security of energy supply, and the promotion of the competitiveness of the EU economy. Possible synergies and…

Analysing the costs and benefits of climate policy: Value judgements and scientific uncertainties

In this study, we systematically explore the impacts of scientific uncertainties and value judgements on the suggested "optimal target" for international climate policy. In this context, we have…