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A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation

Holding the global increase in temperature caused by climate change well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, the goal affirmed by the Paris Agreement, is a major societal challenge. Meanwhile…

Spatial density and mix use in the Netherlands (RUDIFUN)

RUDIFUN data can be used by government authorities, spatial researchers, urban planners and urban designers to investigate the coherence between spatial density and the mixed use that blends…

The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance

The increasing relevance of cities as transnational actors raises the need to align strategic environmental planning at local levels with the implementation of global goals. To bridge this gap…

Making the Paris agreement climate targets consistent with food security objectives

Climate change mitigation is crucial to limit detrimental impacts of climate change on food production. However, cost-optimal mitigation pathways consistent with the Paris agreement project large…

Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century

We present a suite of nine scenarios of future emissions trajectories of anthropogenic sources, a key deliverable of the ScenarioMIP experiment within CMIP6. Integrated assessment model results for 14…

Consumption-based biodiversity footprints

Land use related to human consumption patterns leads to significant loss of biodiversity. Here, the implications of using different indicators in the calculation of biodiversity footprints caused by…

Multi-dimensional Scenario Making. Four futures to help policy makers embrace uncertainty in the fields of urbanisation and transport in the Netherlands

In the fields of urban development, infrastructure and transport, strategic policy makers and long-term planners face many uncertainties with regard to the future. To help strategic policy makers deal…

Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies

Many countries are formulating a long-term climate strategy to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by 2020. Model-based, multi-disciplinary assessments can be a…

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

A transition away from the use of fuelwood and charcoal for cooking can prevent hundreds of thousands of premature deaths caused by household air pollution. This study explores various policy options…

First forcing estimates from the future CMIP6 scenarios of anthropogenic aerosol optical properties and an associated Twomey effect

We present the first forcing interpretation of the future anthropogenic aerosol scenarios of CMIP6 with the simple plumes parameterisation MACv2-SP. The nine scenarios for 2015 to 2100 are based on…