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Building climate resilience through nature-based solutions in Europe

The European Union (EU) has firmly positioned itself as a global leader in promoting and implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). In a recently published article, 13 authors from various European…

Environmental trade-offs of direct air capture technologies in climate change mitigation toward 2100

Direct air capture (DAC) is critical for achieving stringent climate targets, yet the environmental implications of its large-scale deployment have not been evaluated in this context. Performing a…

Updated nationally determined contributions collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening further to keep Paris goals within reach

By January 2022, 156 countries had submitted new or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. This study analyses the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and…

Coherence present. Navigating towards a sustainable future

The world is looking for ways to navigate challenges, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, food security and biodiversity loss, in order to safeguard current and future global well-being…

Uncertain effectiveness of Miscanthus bioenergy expansion for climate change mitigation explored using land surface, agronomic and integrated assessment models

Large-scale bioenergy plays a key role in climate change mitigation scenarios, but its efficacy is uncertain. This study aims to quantify that uncertainty by contrasting the results of three different…

Targeted Green Recovery Measures in a Post-COVID-19 World Enable the Energy Transition

Despite the significant volume of fiscal recovery measures announced by countries to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, most recovery plans allocate a low percentage to green recovery. We present…

Developing scenarios in the context of the Paris Agreement and application in the integrated assessment model IMAGE: A framework for bridging the policy-modelling divide

The framework presented in this study aims to provide insights into how climate policy is represented in integrated assessment models, responding to the call to link model scenarios with concepts used…

Using large ensembles of climate change mitigation scenarios for robust insights

As they gain new users, climate change mitigation scenarios are playing an increasing role in transitions to net zero. One promising practice is the analysis of scenario ensembles. Here we argue that…

Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system

Bioenergy is projected to have a prominent, valuable, and maybe essential, role in climate management. However, there is significant variation in projected bioenergy deployment results, as well as…

Identifying Potential Clusters of Future Migration Associated With Water Stress in Africa

Water stress negatively affects rural livelihoods that depend on agriculture. In some contexts, this can influence migration decisions, especially in vulnerable regions with limited adaptive capacity…