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European wet deposition maps based on measurements

To date, wet deposition maps on a European scale have been based on long-range transport model results. For most components wet deposition maps based on measurements are only available on national…

Evaluation of PCB fluxes in the environment

Since the early seventies a variety of stringent measures have been taken by (international) governments to reduce the risks posed by the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the…

Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Modelling. A Cultural Perspective Based Approach

Uncertainty plays a key role in global integrated assessment modelling. Identifying, illuminating and clarifying uncertainties in the TARGETS model, i.e. Tool to Assess Regional and Global…

EDACS: European Deposition maps of Acidifying Components on a Small scale. Model description and preliminary results

Describing the effects of acidification on the level of ecosystems, the acid deposition should be available at the scale of ecosystems or at scales which allow for comparison with critical loads…

Description of the RIVM 2-dimensional stratosphere model

For performing assessment studies on the stratosphere and studying the influence of changes in the stratosphere on the troposphere and climate, the Air Research Laboratory of the RIVM has recently…

Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Modelling. A Cultural Perspective Based Approach

Uncertainty plays a key role in global integrated assessment modelling. Identifying, illuminating and clarifying uncertainties in the TARGETS model, i.e. Tool to Assess Regional and Global…

Fluorocarbons and SF6. Global emission inventory and options for control

This study surveys current knowledge on emissions of HFCs, PFCs, FICs and SF 6 .

Spatial data in EXPECT: Errors and uncertainties

In this research errors and degrees certainties in the individual EXPECT regions are estimated.

Modelling of soil emissions of nitrous oxide for global studies

A global inventory with 1 degree time 1 degree resolution was compiled of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions to the atmosphere, including emissions from soils under natural vegetation, fertilized…

Grass cover in Dutch heathlands in 1993

The objective of this study was to map the grass cover in Dutch heathland nature reserves using Landsat-TM satellite imagery. The grass cover data will be used to initialize the HEATHSOL-model. This…