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Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment

Mariculture (marine aquaculture) generates nutrient waste either through the excretion by the reared organisms, or through direct enrichment by, or remineralization of, externally applied feed inputs…

Energy demand and emissions of the non-energy sector

The demand for fossil fuels for non-energy purposes such as production of bulk chemicals is poorly understood. In this study we analyse data on non-energy demand and disaggregate it across key…

The size and impact of the Dutch footprint on the planet

Everyone uses natural resources, and the land required to produce these resources is often metaphorically referred to as the footprint. This metaphor has helped to make many people aware of the…

The effect of updated pledges and business-as-usual projections, and new agreed rules on expected global greenhouse gas emissions in 2020

Since the climate negotiations in Copenhagen (2009), many countries have pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. These pledges were 'anchored' in the 2010 Cancún Agreements. Since…

Non-Kyoto radiative forcing in long-run greenhouse gas emissions and climate change scenarios

Climate policies must consider radiative forcing from Kyoto greenhouse gases, as well as other forcing constituents, such as aerosols and tropospheric ozone that result from air pollutants. Non-Kyoto…

Mid- and long-term climate projections for fragmented and delayed-action scenarios

This paper explores the climate consequences of “delayed near-term action” and “staged accession” scenarios for limiting warming below 2 ° Celsius (C). The stabilization of greenhouse gas…

Countries’ contributions to climate change: effect of accounting for all greenhouse gases, recent trends, basic needs and technological progress

Discussions at UN climate negotiations tend to focus on which countries have contributed most to climate change. This contribution depends on the methods for calculating both historical and current…

Trends in global CO2 emissions: 2013 report

Actual global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) reached a new record of 34.5 billion tonnes in 2012. Yet, the increase in global CO 2 emissions in that year slowed down to 1.1% (or 1.4%, not…

Regional GHG reduction targets based on effort sharing: a comparison of studies

The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report noted that Annex I countries’ targets for 2020 would need to be 25% to 40% below the 1990 level to be in line with the 2° Celsius (C) target. What is the equivalent…

Cost of greenhouse gas mitigation - comparison between TIMER and WorldScan

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency uses the TIMER and Worldscan models to assess the costs and effects of global climate change policies. Both models have their strengths and weaknesses…