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How to deal with indirect land-use change in the EU Renewable Energy Directive?

Biofuels based on agricultural crops have the risk of causing indirect land use change with substantial greenhouse gas emissions. European policy to stimulate innovative solutions without these…

Mineral Dust as a component of particulate matter

Mineral dust is a constituent of atmospheric particulate matter (PM 10 ). It originates from diverse sources, such as wind erosion, agricultural land management and resuspension by road transport…

What do near-term observations tell us about long-term developments in greenhouse gas emissions

Long-term scenarios developed by integrated assessment models are used in climate research to provide an indication of plausible long-term emissions of greenhouse gases and other radiatively active…

Water and nutrient fluxes from major Mediterranean and Black Sea rivers

Because of the ongoing evolution toward dryer and warmer conditions, we predict a significant trend of decreasing freshwater fluxes for the future, which already started in the past. Regional hot…

Application of the IPCC uncertainty methods to EDGAR 4.1 global greenhouse gas inventories

The global greenhouse gas emission inventory EDGAR 4.1 for the period 1970-2005 was developed using international statistics and default methods and default emission factors from the latest 2006 IPCC…

Monitoring emissions and actions in the post-2012 climate regime

Climate change is a collective action problem; only if all major emitting countries take sufficient mitigating actions, dangerous human interference with the climate system can be averted. In order to…

Breaking Boundaries for Biodiversity. Expanding the policy agenda to halt biodiversity loss.

The coming decade will be critical for slowing down the loss of biodiversity. The COP10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity discusses strategies for doing so in Nagoya, Japan from 18 to 29…

Towards a general relationship between climate change and biodiversity: An example for plant species in Europe

Climate change is one of the main factors that will affect biodiversity in the future and may even cause species extinctions. We suggest a methodology to derive a general relationship between…

Estimation of incidence and social cost of colon cancer due to nitrate in drinking water in the EU: a tentative cost-benefit assessment

Research has shown that of the annual number of cases of colon cancer in Europe, around 3% could be attributed to nitrate in drinking water. For the Netherlands the annual figure is about 2% or 100…

Explaining agricultural intensity at the European and global scale

Agricultural land management and land use intensity differ across the globe but their constraints and drivers are limitedly understood at the continental and global scale. The main objective of this…