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The effect of decreasing fertilization on agricultural nitrogen leaching: a model study

In Finland, the use of agricultural nitrogen (N) fertilizers has decreased since the beginning of the 1990's but there is not yet any clear response in observed water quality in the monitored…

Are national greenhouse gas emissions reports scientifically valid?

While countries have recently been accused of misreporting greenhouse gas emissions for their benefit, internationally agreed procedures minimize such possibilities and allow for new scientific…

Climate assessment: what's next?

The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a milestone for climate-change science and policy. It concludes that global greenhouse gas emissions must peak…

European critical loads of cadmium, lead and mercury and their exceedances

Critical loads of cadmium, lead and mercury were computed by 18 countries of the LRTAP Convention. These national data were collated into a single database for the purpose of identifying sensitive…

Agreement on Technology?

Climate change has been on the international policy agenda since the UNFCCC was agreed in 1992. The Kyoto Protocol was the UNFCCC’s answer to the call for measures and has been effective in…

Including spatial variability in Monte Carlo simulations of pesticide leaching

Including spatial variability of pesticide properties in spatially distributed pesticide leaching assessments increases the amount of pesticide leached. This is shown in a joint study of the…

Permissible manure and fertilizer use in dairy farming systems on sandy soils in The Netherlands to comply with the Nitrates Directive target

Based on experimental data, this study explores the limits on the use of cattle slurry and mineral fertilizer in grass and silage maize. Cut grasslands can utilize cattle slurry up to 340 kg nitrogen…

Biodiversity and socioeconomic impacts of selected agro-commodity production systems

This article dicusses an assessesment of the socioeconomic and biodiversity impacts associated with the production of selected agro-commodities in their production countries and areas.

Permissible manure and fertilizer use in dairy farming systems on sandy soils in The Netherlands to comply with the Nitrates Directive target

From the point of view of N leaching and P accumulation, manure rates should be determined by (i) the harvest regime of the grass, (ii) the proportions of grass and maize in the farm area and the way…

Effects of changes in CO2, climate, and land use on the carbon balance of the land biosphere during the 21st century

Our results imply that the potential positive feedback of the terrestrial biosphere on anthropogenic climate change will be strongly affected by land-use change. Spatiotemporally explicit projections…