Towards patterns of vulnerability. Export-oriented agriculture and the oil palm case
Agriculture production and the global trade in agricultural products have strongly increased in the last decades. The intensification and extension of agriculture area have damaged natural ecosystems…
PM2.5 in the Netherlands. Consequences of the new European air quality standards
Based on new findings of the WHO, policy attention in the EU regarding particulate matter has shifted from PM 10 to the finer fraction (PM 2.5 ). The Netherlands will probably not be able to meet all…
Large-scale PM2.5 concentration maps for the Netherlands. A preliminary analysis
A preliminary analysis of PM 2.5 concentrations in the Netherlands to investigate the attainability of the proposed European target and limit values for PM 2.5 showed PM 2.5 concentrations to decrease…
Local air pollution and global climate change: a combined cost-benefit analysis
A combined cost-benefit analysis on both local air pollution and global climate change - two closely related problems since both are driven by energy production and consumption patterns - shows that…
Fourth Global Environment Outlook - Environment for development - GEO-4
If the future 9 billion people on this planet are to be assured of food and clean drinking water, the demand for land will be just as pressing a problem in the coming decades as climate change is now…
Every year the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) publishes an Environmental Balance in the framework of the Dutch Environmental Management Act. This Environmental Balance provides an…
Preparing for the European Thematic Strategy on air pollution: at the interface between science and policy
In 2005 the European Commission launched a Thematic Strategy on air pollution for the European Union. We use an analytical framework that relates credibility, legitimacy and relevance of assessments…
The influence of sensitivity for road traffic noise on residential location: does it trigger a process of spatial selection?
People move to another house for different reasons. It is sometimes presumed that a process of self-selection might take place on the basis of noise sensitivity, i.e., sensitive people would either…