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Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands, 1990–2011: National Inventory Report 2013

Total greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands decreased in 2011 by 7%, compared to the emission level in 2010. This decrease was mainly the result of a drop in fuel combustion in the energy sector…

Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom: lessons to be learnt for the Netherlands?

This report synthesises the outcomes of the seminar on the Energy Transitions in North-western Europe. The aim of the seminar was to feed lessons learnt from Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom…

A framework for global river flood risk assessments

Each year, the world is startled by floods occurring somewhere on the planet. Of all natural disasters floods affect the most people, in one way or another. Floods cause major damage. Well-known…

European scenarios for exposure of soil organisms to pesticides

Standardised exposure scenarios play an important role in European pesticide authorisation procedures (each scenario is a combination of climate, weather and crop data to be used in exposure models)…

EU policy options for climate and energy beyond 2020

The EU has set itself the ambition of an 80% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2050. Such a drastic reduction requires a much more vigorous renewal of the energy system. Setting a target for emission…

Carbon price floor to save ETS - Guest Commentary

The functioning of the European Union (EU) emission trading system (ETS) is under debate. Although the ETS guarantees emission reductions by 2020, the current low prices fuel doubts about whether it…

Hindcasts and Future Projections of Global Inland and Coastal Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads Due to Finfish Aquaculture

A global model is used to calculate feed and nutrient budgets for freshwater and marine omnivorous and carnivorous aquacultural finfish production. The model uses national production data for the…

Adaptation to extreme weather: identifying different societal perspectives in the Netherlands

The intensity and occurrence of extreme weather events are expected to change with climate change. This change necessitates adaptive responses to extreme events, which need to take into account…

The role of negative CO2 emissions for reaching 2 °C-insights from integrated assessment modelling

Limiting climate change to 2 °C with a high probability requires reducing cumulative emissions to about 1600 Gigatonne CO 2 over the 2000–2100 period. This requires unprecedented rates of…

On the potential contribution of spatial planning in combination with unbreachable embankments in the design of a robust flood risk system, exemplified for the Netherlands

The Dutch flood-risk management policy has recently been revised. The previous policy exclusively aimed at flood prevention. The new policy recognises that, although the probability of flooding is…