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Country-dependent characterisation factors for acidification and terrestrial eutrophication on accumulated exceedance as an impact category indicator

In this study, accumulated exceedance was shown to be an appropriate category indicator in LCIA applications for the determination of site-dependent characterisation factors for acidification and…

Climate Adaptation in the Netherlands

IPCC (2001) indicates that climate change will take place despite the mitigation strategies that are going to be implemented. This calls for adaptation strategies in order to reduce the vulnerability…

Instrumentation of HFC-23 emission reduction from the production of HCFC-22

This report addresses the methodological aspects of inclusion of the reduction of HFC-23 byproduct emissions from new HCFC-22 production facilities under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the…

Assessing dangerous climate impacts for the Netherlands

In order to understand the urgency with which climate change needs to be controlled, it is important to realise the extent to which climate change can become dangerous for countries. The key question…

The future of vascular plant diversity under four global scenarios

Biodiversity is of crucial importance for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Using quantitative projections of changes in land use and climate from the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment…

Integrating agriculture forestry and other land use in future climate regimes

The current agreement under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol takes a fragmented approach to emissions and removals from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU): not all activities, not all…

Nitrogen and sulfur deposition on regional and global scales: a multimodel evaluation

Evaluation of deposition models.

Accessibility appraisal of integrated land-use-transport strategies: methodology and case study for the Netherlands Randstad area

This paper examines job accessibility impacts of intensive and multiple land-use scenarios in the Netherlands’ Randstad Area for the period 1996-2030, aimed at increasing the density and diversity of…

Denitritication across landscapes and waterscapes: a synthesis

Both newly fixed N and recycled N (e.g., manure) are processed by terrestrial ecosystems. A substantial portion of this recycled N is subsequently transferred to groundwater, wetlands, lakes, rivers…

Moving boundaries in transboundary air pollution co-production of science and policy under the convention on long range transboundary air pollution

This article focuses on the science–policy interaction in international negotiations in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Convention for Long Range Transboundary Air…