Uncertainty and RIVM's Environmental Outlooks: Documenting a learning process
Politics, policy and society increasingly demand for more insight in the robustness of environmental outlooks (future projections). This report describes what the RIVM, in cooperation with ICIS…
Technical evaluation of the Intervention Values for Soil/sediment and Groundwater. Human and ecotoxicological risk assessment and derivation of risk limits for soil, aquatic sediment and groundwater
Intervention Values are generic soil quality standards used to classify historically contaminated soils (i.e. before 1987) as seriously contaminated in the framework of the Dutch Soil Protection Act…
Accessibility measures: review and applications. Evaluation of accessibility impacts of land-use transportation scenarios, and related social and economic impact
This report describes an extensive literature study and three case studies aimed at reviewing accessibility measures for their ability to evaluate the accessibility impacts of national land-use and…
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-1999. National Inventory Report
This report documents the 2001 Netherlands' annual submission of its greenhouse gas emission inventory in accordance with the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the…
Recent studies have identified public subsidies as one of the principal causes of unsustainable development. According to de Moor and Calamai (1997), governments worldwide, dispense over $US700…
The Targets IMage Energy Regional (TIMER) Model. Technical Documentation
The Targets IMage Energy Regional simulation model, TIMER, is described in detail. This model was developed and used in close connection with the Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment…
The IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios
CD-rom publication (MNP publication 500110001, reprint of RIVM publication 481508018). A comprehensive analysis of emissions, climate change and impacts in the 21st century. Main disc.
Supplementary CD-ROM: The IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios.
CD-ROM publication. The IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios. Climate change scenarios resulting from runs with several GCMs. Supplement to main CD-ROM.
Factsheets for the (eco)toxicological risk assessment strategy of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Eight fact sheets describing risk assessment methods used at the Centre of Substances and Risk assessment (CSR) of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) are presented…
Volume changes of the Greenland ice sheet in response to climate change may form a significant contribution to variations in sea level. However, still the sign of the present volume change is unknown…