Risk assessment of historical soil contamination with cyanides; origin, potential human exposure and evaluation of Intervention Values
To evaluate, and indicate possible adjustment of, the current Dutch Intervention Values for cyanides (CN) a review has been made of sources of CN soil contamination, behaviour of CN species and…
An assessment of the ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) air/sea fluxes using Wave and Ocean General Circulation Models
As a contribution to ongoing efforts in modelling of the coupled atmosphere/ocean system we have assessed global fields of air/sea fluxes of heat and momentum, produced as part of the European Centre…
Nitrate Transport Modeling in Deep Aquifers. Comparison between Model Results and Data from the Groundwater Monitoring Network
Nitrate measurements from the Netherlands Groundwater Monitoring Network and model simulations were compared for deep aquifers in the eastern part of the Netherlands. The area studied measured 40 x 30…
European Environmental Priorities: an Integrated Economic and Environmental Assessment
The economic assessment of priorities for a European environmental policy plan focuses on twelve identified Prominent European Environmental Problems such as climate change, chemical risks and…
Climate consequences of increasing ozone in the troposphere, studied with a coupled chemistry-general circulation model
Anthropogenic activities have dramatically altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The focus of this study is on the composition of the troposphere, mainly associated with ozone which acts…
FAIR 1.0 (Framework to Assess International Regimes for differentiation of commitments): An interactive model to explore options for differentiation of future commitments in international climate policy making. User documentation
This report contains the model documentation and user instructions of the FAIR model (Framework to Assess International Regimes for differentiation of commitments). FAIR is an interactive - scanner…
Model for Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for the Energy-Saving in Industry (MEI-Energy)
Within the context of the Kyoto Protocol insight into industrial energy savings and the influence of policy instruments is desirable, both for the past and the future. By virtue of its legal central…
Best available practice in life cycle assessment of climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, photo-oxidant formation, acidification, and eutrophication-Backgrounds on general issues
This report has been prepared by the SETAC Europe Scientific Task Group on Global And RegionaL Impact Categories (SETAC-Europe/STG-GARLIC) that is installed by the 2nd SETAC Europe working group on…
A coupled atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice Model of Intermediate Complexity (ECBilt) was developed. With ECBilt we aim at deriving qualitative information on physical processes and feedbacks that may be…
Patterns of low-frequency climate variability: a model-paleodata comparison
Patterns of temperature variability on interdecadal and longer timescales are derived from empirical and simulated data for the region centered around the North Atlantic ocean. The empirical dataset…