Interpretation of SO2 dry deposition measurements made in Portugal and Spain within the framework of SREMP
RIVM participated in the joint project SREMP (Surface Resistance Emergency Measurement Program), financed by the European Commission DG XII (50%). The main tasks of RIVM was to help determine…
Mapping dry deposition of acidifying components and base cations on a small scale in Germany
Results are presented of the research on 'Mapping dry deposition of acidifying components and base cations on a small scale in Germany'. Using these maps critical load exceedances can be calculated in…
EUPHIDS, a decision-support system for the admission of pesticides
EUPHIDS (EUropean Pesticide Hazard Information and Decision-support System) is the result of a research project carried out during 1993-1995 with the support of the Environment Research Programme…
Tropospheric Ozone Research: Monitoring and modelling of photo-oxidants over Europe
The Dutch activities contributing to the EUROTRAC-TOR programme were set up to study and quantify the underlying chemical and transport processes important to the occurrence of photochemical oxidants…
Generalized Soil Map of Europe; aggregation of the FAO-Unesco soil units based on the characteristics determining the vulnerability to degradation processes
The FAO-Unesco soil units of Europe have been aggregated into categories of soils with similar soil characteristics (soil depth, stoniness, texture, acidity, etc.) which are of importance to the…
Environmental Information and Planning Model (RIM+): User's guide and background information
The Environmental Information and Planning Model (RIM+) has been developed by the Laboratory for Waste Materials and Emissions at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. RIM+ is…
The Global Climate System: Near Term Action for Long Term Protection
Although the time scale of climate change is very long, the time scale of climate policymaking is by necessity much shorter. This report connects long term protection of climate with near term global…
Integrated Criteria Document Fine Particulate Matter
This document reports data on fine particulate matter with regard to sources and emissions, exposure levels, effect levels, risks, and technical possibilities for reducing these risks. The information…
Documentation of a geographically explicit dynamic carbon cycle model
The CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased considerably during the last century. Without strong reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, the concentration will double from the pre…