Cost of Policy Inaction. Scoping study for DG Environment
The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI) concept is the damage to the environment in the absence of measures to solve an environmental problem. According to a study into meaningful applications of COPI, the…
Societal cost-benefit analysis of the Dutch soil remediation operation
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency ‘Societal cost−benefit analysis for soil remediation operations in the Netherlands’, distinguishes four options for future investments. In the zero…
Common but differentiated convergence (CDC): a new conceptual approach to long-term climate policy
This new international climate mitigation regime eliminates two concerns often voiced in relation to gradually converging per-capita emissions. First, emission reduction obligations in advanced…
Tool use in integrated assessments - Integration and synthesis report for the SustainabilityA-Test project
Policy assessments can be improved by making better use of tools such as multi-criteria analysis and cost benefit analysis. Information about these tools is now available as website. This website also…
Long-Term Multi-Gas Scenarios to Stabilise Radiative Forcing
The costs of a climate policy strategy targeting all greenhouse gases are substantially lower than a strategy targeting energy-related CO 2 alone. This is one of the conclusions of a recent study by…
Uncertainty assessment of local NO2 concentrations derived from error-in-variable external drift kriging and its relationship to the 2010 air quality standard
Local NO 2 concentrations near Rotterdam (Netherlands) were assessed for the year 2010, focusing on the uncertainties and the changes in exceedance of European air quality standards.
Uncertainty assessment of local no2 concentrations
This paper shows how to predict future nitrogen dioxide concentrations and assess uncertainties inside and outside a large city. The error-in-variable kriging with external drift (KED) method, which…
The consequences of the European Soil Framework Directive for Dutch policy
The European Commission has made a proposal for a Framework Directive for soil protection. Many basic principles in this Directive link up with Dutch soil policy. The broad framework of the Directive…
This explanation of the official Netherlands emission data provides a clear view on applicability and verification of emission data. Improvements in methods, in documentation and in the completion of…
Country-dependent characterisation factors for acidification and terrestrial eutrophication on accumulated exceedance as an impact category indicator
In this study, accumulated exceedance was shown to be an appropriate category indicator in LCIA applications for the determination of site-dependent characterisation factors for acidification and…