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A system for monitoring SO2 dry deposition fluxes to low vegetation

The improvements of the monitoring system which has been used since 1987 are discussed. The performance of the system in due form, and the reliability and accuracy of the fluxes were evaluated by…

The Safe Landing Analysis: Users Manual

In comparison with the long time horizon of climate change, the time horizon of climate policy-making is by necessity much shorter. To support current climate negotiations, a methodology has been…

The 1996 RIVM Catalogue of International Datasets

RIVM's involvement in integrated environmental assessment, reporting and forecasting has brought about the development of a comprehensive information infrastructure. Over the last few years, this has…

Dry deposition monitoring over the Speulder forest. Description of the equipment and evaluation of the measuring methods

This report is part of a series of reports published to complete the projects Speuld (RIVM project 722108) and EC LIFE (93/NL/A23/NL/3547). The report describes a monitoring system for continuous…

Consumer Behaviour, a modelling perspective in the context of integrated assessment of global change

Human consumption of products and services is a major factor in the process of global change. So far, integrated assessment models (e.g., TARGETS) implicitly incorporate the behaviour of consumers…

GLOBETOX Modelling the global fate of micropollutants

The technical details of GlobeTox, an environmental fate model for toxic substances, have been described. GlobeTox is designed to function as a toxic substances module in the integrated assessment…

A database of methane concentrations as measured in the Netherlands and Europe

In order to increase our knowledge of methane emissions on a small scale the project 'Sources, regional scaling and validation of CH 4 emissions from the Netherlands and Northwest Europe' is carried…

Interactions of nutrients and toxicants in the foodchain of aquatic ecosystems

Proceedings of a workshop organised in response to a request of the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. To discuss…

A Hundred Year (1890 - 1990) Database for Integrated Environmental Assessments (HYDE, version 1.1)

Testing against historical data is an important step in the validation of simulation models. Because of their wide scope and coverage, global change models require a large amount of data for testing…

Ordination of the integrated monitoring data gathered under auspices of ICP-IM, UN-ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution: 1989-1994

This report contains a limited number of exploratory multi-variate statistical gradient analyses of cause effect relationships in the data which are gathered in the framework of the International Co…