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Improving National-Scale Carbon Stock Inventories Using Knowledge on Land Use History

National-scale inventories of soil organic carbon (SOC) and forest floor carbon (FFC) stocks have a high uncertainty. Inventories are often based on the interpolation of sampled information, often…

The Netherlands in 2040: A country of regions - Spatial Outlook 2011

For many years spatial and transport planning has been a process of guiding and directing growth. Population, housing stock, jobs and kilometres travelled more or less continuously increased for…

An ecohydrological sketch of climate change impacts on water and natural ecosystems for the Netherlands: bridging the gap between science and society

For policy making and spatial planning, information is needed about the impacts of climate change on natural ecosystems. To provide this information, commonly hydrological and ecological models are…

Evaluating regeneration policies for rundown industrial sites in the Netherlands

Systematic evaluations of regeneration policies and programmes for industrial sites are scarce. This is particularly the case for evaluations that aim to examine whether policy objectives have been…

Longitudinal analysis of the formation and realisation of preferences to move into homeownership in the Netherlands

To what extent do individual characteristics and contextual circumstances influence the formation and realisation of preferences to move into homeownership? And which categories of aspiring homeowners…

From combating to managing: Demographic decline in the Netherlands - Policy strategies for current and future shrinking regions

From 2010 onwards, population and household numbers are projected to decrease rapidly in an increasing number of municipalities and regions in the Netherlands. There will also be a rapid decrease in…

The Sustainable City

The Sustainable City study of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) uses an analytical–deliberative approach to generate integrated options for strategic, long-term urban development…

Climate and Energy Roadmaps towards 2050 in north-western Europe

Although energy markets are interlinked and energy companies operate internationally, European countries have a strong national focus in their climate and energy policies. Countries have little regard…

Shifting Gear: Beyond Classical Mobility Policies and Urban Planning

The ‘big’ agenda for sustainable mobility is that of climate change and natural resources. Many options to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport have been identified, however…

Air Pollution Policy in Europe: Quantifying the Interaction with Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change Policies

An analysis of several variants of EU’s air pollution policies for the year 2020 shows that that carbon prices will fall, but not more than 33%, although they could drop to zero when the EU agrees on…