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Simulation of movement of pesticides towards drains with a preferential flow version of PEARL

In the current Dutch authorisation procedure for calculating exposure of surface water organisms to pesticides, artificial drainage from agricultural fields is not accounted for. As drainage may be an…

A land-use systems approach to represent land-use dynamics at continental and global scales

Most of the current global land cover datasets and global scale land-use models use a classification of land cover based on the dominant land cover type within a distinct region or pixel. Such a…

Greening the CAP: An analysis of the effects of the European Commission’s proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy 2014–2020

The impact of the proposed greening measures of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the sustainable development of agriculture appears to be relatively small. Member States must assign 30…

Mapping ecosystem functions and services in Eastern Europe using global-scale data sets

To assess future interactions between the environment and human well-being, spatially explicit ecosystem service models are needed. Currently available models mainly focus on provisioning services and…

Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in MRIO Modelling; Some Empirical Results with regard to the Dutch Carbon Footprint

In a multi-region input-output (MRIO) model, national input-output tables, representing financial transactions between economic sectors within a country, and trade flow tables, showing the value of…

Evaluation of the Dutch policy document on sustainable crop protection

Water quality has improved due to legislation on crop protection. However, policy objectives for ecological quality of surface waters and drinking water, as set in the Dutch policy document on…

Framework for systematic indicator selection to assess effects of land management on ecosystem services

Land management is an important factor that affects ecosystem services provision. However, interactions between land management, ecological processes and ecosystem service provision are still not…

Inferences on weather extremes and weather-related disasters: a review of statistical methods

The study of weather extremes and their impacts, such as weather-related disasters, plays an important role in research of climate change. When scanning peer-reviewed literature on weather extremes…

PBL Note Sustainability of biomass in a bio-based economy

The conversion of the present European economy based on fossil fuels into a more bio-based economy will probably be restricted to about 10 per cent of final energy and feedstock consumption in 2030…

Harvesting Transition? Energy Policy Cooperation or Competition around the North Sea

The Northwest European electricity markets are increasingly becoming intertwined with the advance of the internal market. This implies that national fuel mix policies increasingly have cross-national…