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Sustainability Monitor for the Netherlands 2011

Quality of life is high in the Netherlands, also compared to other European countries, but it seems impossible to retain this level of prosperity, in the long run. More innovation, better education…

The European landscape of knowledge-intensive foreign-owned firms and the attractiveness of Dutch regions

The Dutch Government aims to attract more investments by foreign firms, especially by those involved in knowledge-intensive activities. This study addresses the question of how attractive the…

The tale of two regions

Metropolitan regions are becoming increasingly important as places to live, work, play and exchange information and culture. While these regions in many parts of the world are growing phenomenally…

Preserving panoramic views along motorways through policy

Motorway design is not merely a matter of pure functionalism. Naturally, its main purpose is to accommodate efficient transportation to and from a large number of places. However, aesthetic aspects…

Greening the Common Agricultural Policy: impacts on farmland biodiversity on an EU scale

‘Greening’ the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), as proposed by the EC, will slow down the decline in farmland biodiversity, most notably in intensive farming areas. Extensively farmed areas are…

Agglomeration economies in European regions: perspectives for objective 1 regions

Economic growth is one of the main European policy objectives of structural funds targeted at objective 1 regions, where development is lagging behind. An empirical analysis on growth differentials…

Evolution of anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of air pollutants at global and regional scales during the 1980–2010 period

Several different inventories of global and regional anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions are assessed for the 1980–2010 period. The species considered in this study are carbon monoxide…

RCP2.6: exploring the possibility to keep global mean temperature increase below 2°C

The RCP2.6 emission and concentration pathway is representative of the literature on mitigation scenarios aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to 2°C. These scenarios form the low…

Continuity and Change in the Provision of Land for Social Housing in the Netherlands

After being introduced in the US in the 1970s, inclusionary housing is now found around the world. Even the Netherlands, which is known for its tradition of public land and housing provision, has…

Quo Vadis MRIO? Methodological, data and institutional requirements for multi-region input–output analysis

In a multi-region input-output (MRIO) model, national input-output tables representing financial transactions between economic sectors within a country, and trade flow tables showing the value of…