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Derivation of cation exchange constants for sand, loess, clay and peat soils on the basis of field measurements in the Netherlands

This report presents extensive Tables of cation exchange constants (selectivity coefficients) for sand, loess, clay and peat soils at different depths derived from simultaneous field measure-ments of…

To shift or not to shift, that's the question

This publication presents and compares the quantitative emissions per passenger kilometre or tonne kilometre of CO 2 , NO x and PM 10 for several well-defined, homogeneous transport market segments…

A structure of models for future projection of environmental pressure due to consumption

A model structure for constructing consumption scenarios and determining the related energy requirement of the inhabitants of the Netherlands has recently been developed at the RIVM. Consumption is…

IPCC SRES Revisited: A Response

Response on the critics of Mr. Castles and Mr. Henderson on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) and other aspects of IPCC assessments.

Validating SimpleBox-Computed Steady-State Concentration Ratios

The validity of the multi-media model SimpleBox version 2.0 with respect to its specific use in the procedure of testing the coherence of independently derived environmental quality objectives is…

Determination of denitrification parameters in deep groundwater. A pilot study for several pumping stations in the Netherlands

Groundwater nitrate measurements in the central and eastern part of the Netherlands point out that at many locations denitrification occurs. Therefore, models applied for analysis of management…

Four scenarios for Europe. Based on UNEP's third Global Environment Outlook

The third Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) was published on the eve of the Johannesburg summit. At that moment in time (autumn 2002), GEO-3 looked back thirty years and forward thirty years. As set…

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2001

The National Inventory Report ‘Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2001’ is now available. This report has been published at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning…

Manual for Dynamic Modelling of Soil Response to Atmospheric Deposition

The objective of this manual is to inform the network of National Focal Centers (NFCs) about the requirements of methodologies for the dynamic modelling of geochemical processes in soils in particular…

Evaluation of accessibility impacts of land-use scenarios: the implications of job competition, land-use and infrastructure developments for the Netherlands

Activity-based accessibility measures, describing the level of access to spatially distributed activities, are not put to the same use in land use and/or transport policy evaluations as are…