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Ecological effects of pesticide use in the Netherlands: Modeled and observed effects in the field ditch

This study dealing with risks to the aquatic ecosystem imposed by the application of pesticides in the Netherlands made use of a novel method to calculate aquatic exposure to a large variety of…

Geochemistry of some rare earth elements in groundwater, Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands

Groundwater samples were taken from seven bore holes at depths ranging from 2 to 41 m nearby drinking water pumping station Vierlingsbeek, The Netherlands and analysed for Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Eu…

Uncertainty analysis for NOx emissions from Dutch passenger cars in 1998. Applying structured expert elicitation and distinguishing different types of uncertainty

In decision-making processes on emission reduction, not only are emission data needed but also information on the uncertainty of these data. Here, structured expert elicitation was used an uncertainty…

Multi-gas emission profiles for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: Emission implications of limiting global temperature increase to 2 degrees centigrade

In this report we present two CO 2 -equivalent emission profiles leading to two different stabilised greenhouse gas concentration levels. The contribution of the various greenhouse gas emissions is…

An IMAGE of the Future

In 2001, version 2.2 of the IMAGE model was completed as result of a multi-year development trajectory. Besides an ensuing internal discussion at RIVM on the way forward with global integrated…

Climate impact response functions as impact tools in the tolerable windows approach

A critical issue for policymakers in defining mitigationstrategies for climate change is the availability of appropriate evaluation tools. The development of climate impact response functions (CIRFs)…

Establishing the link between ammonia emission control and measurements of reduced nitrogen concentrations and deposition

In the context of international efforts to reduce the impactsof atmospheric NH 3 and NH 4 + (collectively, NH x ), it is important to establish the link between NH3 emissions and monitoring of NH x…

Climate impact response functions as impact tools in the tolerable windows approach

A critical issue for policymakers in defining mitigation strategies for climate change is the availability of appropriate evaluation tools. The development of climate impact response functions (CIRFs)…

The direct and indirect energy requirement of households in the European Union

In this article we evaluate the average energy requirement of households in 11 EU member states. By investigating both the direct (electricity, natural gas, gasoline, etc.) and the indirect energy…

Energy and emission scenarios for China in the 21st century - exploration of baseline development and mitigation options

In this paper, we have used the simulation model IMAGE/TIMER to develop a set of energy and emission scenarios for China between 1995 and 2100, based on the global baseline scenarios published by IPCC…