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Soil Chemistry Aspects of Predicting Future Phosphorus Requirements in Sub‐Saharan Africa

Improving food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa requires a dramatic increase in agricultural yields, which depend on available soil phosphorus in the vast areas of phosphorus-fixing soils. This study…

Policy and practice – affordable housing in the Netherlands

Over the past few years, housing in the Netherlands has become increasingly less affordable, especially for lower income households. This article describes the causes and the most recent policy…

Looking under the hood: A comparison of techno-economic assumptions across national and global integrated assessment models

Integrated assessment models are extensively used in the analysis of climate change mitigation and are informing national decision makers as well as contribute to international scientific assessments…

A research roadmap for quantifying non-state and subnational climate mitigation action

Non-state and subnational climate actors have become central to global climate change governance. Quantitatively assessing climate mitigation undertaken by these entities is critical to understand the…

SIM4NEXUS - Policy success stories in the water-land-energy-food-climate nexus

A framework for good nexus governance was developed based on literature and cases. Successful nexus policy has many dimensions and is multi scale. It concerns the whole policy cycle and depends on…

Agricultural non-CO2 emission reduction potential in the context of the 1.5 °C target

Agricultural methane and nitrous oxide emissions represent around 10–12% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions and have a key role to play in achieving a 1.5 °C (above pre-industrial) climate…

Urban regions as engines of economic growth

According to the recent PBL study 'Urban regions as engines of economic growth', in most countries, new regional economic policies are needed. Policies in which national and regional agendas are…

Natural capital accounting for mainstreaming climate change in decision-making

The World Bank WAVES programme supports several countries with the development of natural capital accounts (NCAs). NCAs link natural capital to a country’s system of national accounts and can also be…

Resource nexus perspectives towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Debate around increasing demand for natural resources is often framed in terms of a ‘nexus’, which is perhaps at risk of becoming a buzz word. A nexus between what? Over what scales? And what are the…

Natural capital accounting for mainstreaming biodiversity in public policy

The World Bank WAVES programme supports several countries with the development of natural capital accounts (NCAs). NCAs link natural capital to a country’s system of national accounts and can also be…