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Simplified Multi-Stage and Per Capita Convergence: an analysis of two climate regimes for differentiation of commitments

In this report two post-Kyoto climate regimes for differentiation of future commitments, the simplified Multi-Stage approach and the Per Capita Convergence approach, are described and analysed in…

Constructing land-use maps of the Netherlands in 2030

The National Environmental Assessment Agency in the Netherlands is obliged to report on future trends in the environment and nature every 4 years. The last report, Nature Outlook 2, evaluated the…

Integrated modelling for nutrient loading and ecology of lakes in the Netherland

Many shallow lakes in the lower parts of The Netherlands are hypertrophic and dominated by algae blooms. The present ecological situation reflects the result of past and present nutrient loading—a…

Data assimilation of ground-level ozone in Europe with a Kalman filter and chemistry transport model

A Kalman filter coupled to the atmospheric chemistry transport model EUROS has been used to estimate the ozone concentrations in the boundary layer above Europe.

Update of risk assessment models for the indirect human exposure

This report describes the research into the methodology of the indirect human exposure models using two risk assessment tools, EUSES and CSOIL. Alternatives are proposed to the methodology of the…

Agricultural practice and water quality in the Netherlands in the 1992-2002 period. Background information for the third EU Nitrate Directive Member States report

This overview provides the background information for the Netherlands Member State report, 'Nitrate Directive, status and trends of aquatic environment and agricultural practice' to be submitted to…

DIMITRI: a model for the study of policy issues in relation to the economy, technology and the environment

In this chapter the characteristics of the DIMITRI (Dynamic Input-output Model to study the Impacts of Technology Related Innovations) model is illustrated by three cases.

Guidance for deriving Dutch Environmental Risk Limits from EU-Risk Assessment Reports of existing substances

In this report the methodology is given for deriving Dutch environmental risk limits for which EU risk assessment reports (EU-RARs) are available in the context of Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93…

Differentiation of future commitments

Differentiation of future commitments based on Parties contribution to climate change. Climate Change: uncertainties in the 'Brazilian Proposal' in the context of a policy implementation. Climatic…

Between Liberalization and Protection: Four Long-term Scenarios for Trade, Poverty and the Environment

The impact of globalization on poverty and the environment was a central issue during the Doha development round table and the mass demonstrations on the streets of Cancun. This paper deals with the…