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Modulation of Sociotechnical Change as Climate Change Challange

This report summarizes the findings of the MATRIC-project. Matric stands for 'Management of Technology Responses to the Climate Change Challenge'.

Not to Sink: Bringing the Tropical Fores into the Climate and Other Global Conventions, without Needing the 'Sink' concept

This report aims to determine the function of tropical forestry in the climate and other global conventions. Because the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol is the major instrument…

The effect of aerosol on closure of the regionale short-wave radiation balance

IPPC reports the aerosol radiative forcing per major aerosol category, like sulphate and fossil fuel derived carbon. Part of this carbon is reflective and part of the material (black carbon "soot")…

Integrated water management strategies for the Rhine and Meuse basins in a changing environment

Water management of the Rhine and Meuse is surrounded by major uncertainties. The central question is then: given the uncertainties, what is the best water management strategy? This raises the need…

Climate Projections for Europe: GCM intercomparisons and anlaysis of the predictability in practical and theoretical sense

The predictability of the European climate is investigated on three aspects. First, for 3 GCM models (i.e. ECHAM4-OPYC3, Hadcm3, CCCma) is determined how an enhanced greenhousegas-concentration…

Bioaccessibility of contaminants from ingested soil in humans. Method development and research on the bioaccessibility of lead and benzo[a]pyrene

For risk assessment of orally ingested contaminants it is often unknown how much of the contaminant is taken up by the human body. In most human risk assessments of soil contamination, oral bio…

Economic Impacts of GHG Stabilization Scenarios and regional differentiation of targets based on burden sharing rules

This report presents the activities by RIVM and CPB in the NRP project "Economic Impacts of GHG Stabilization Scenarios and regional differentiation of targets based on burden sharing rules".

Sharing the burden of greenhouse gas mitigation

This report presents an overview of the major findings of the joint CICERO-ECN project on the issue of differentiation of greenhouse gas emission mitigation targets among countries after the so-called…

CO2-reduction in new housing estates: a workshop as a building block

The issue of climate change and related to that reduction of CO 2 emissions has gained a prominent place on the agenda of environmental policymakers. The project 'From Greenhouse to Green Housing'…

Emission reduction of non-CO2 greenhouse gases

In this study an international inventory is made of the emission reduction technologies and potentials for Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGGs) in such a way that they can be used for policy formulation…