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Numerical abundance and biodiversity of below-ground taxocenes along a pH gradient across the Netherlands

Taxocenes are regulated by different kinds of predictors, but can broad-scale patterns of prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (such as fungi and invertebrates) be ascribed to soil acidity? We sought…

A comparison of global spatial distributions of nitrogen inputs for nonpoint sources and effects on river nitrogen export

We compared four global data sets for the year 1995 for nonpoint N sources with 0.5° by 0.5° spatial resolution. Data were developed to drive models for assessing the river export of nitrogen (N) at…

Critical Loads of Cadmium, Lead and Mercury in Europe

This progress report describes the critical loads of cadmium, lead and mercury derived for European ecosystems using human and environmental endpoints in the framework of activities of MNP…

Are existing global scenarios consistent with ecological feedbacks?

Scenarios can help planners and decision makers to think through uncertainties about the future and make decisions that are robust to a variety of possible outcomes. To develop useful scenarios we…

Uncertainties in the Brazilian proposal

During the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, Brazil proposed allocating the greenhouse gas emission reductions of Annex I Parties according to the relative effect of a country’s historical emissions…

Uncertainties in the Brazilian proposal

During the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, Brazil proposed allocating the greenhouse gas emission reductions of Annex I Parties according to the relative effect of a country’s historical emissions…

Analysing countries’ contribution to climate change

This paper evaluates the influence of different policy-related and scientific choices on the calculated regional contributions to global climate change (the "Brazilian Proposal").

Analysis of the energy requirement for household consumption

Consumers use energy for their consumption. This use is both direct, for example electricity and natural gas, but also indirect, for the production, transport and trade of other goods and services…

The Nature Balance 2005

The available resources for nature and landscape policies do not match Dutch and international policy ambitions. Not only are the financial resources limited, but because land in the Netherlands is…

Air pollution by ozone in Europe in summer 2004

Overview of exceedances of EC ozone treshold values during April-September 2004.