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Implications of various effort-sharing approaches for national carbon budgets and emission pathways

The bottom-up approach of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the Paris Agreement has led countries to self-determine their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets. The planned…

Costs of offshore wind energy 2018

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate requested PBL to conduct an update on SDE+ base amounts and grid connection costs of offshore wind energy in the Netherlands, based on current market…

Future global pig production systems according to the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Global pork production has increased fourfold over the last 50 years and is expected to continue growing during the next three decades. This may have considerable implications for feed use, land…

Energy Transition Implications for Demand and Supply of Power System Flexibility: A Case Study of the Netherlands Within an EU Electricity Market and Trading Context

The Netherlands is aiming for a more sustainable, low-carbon energy system. For the power system, this energy transition implies (1) a larger share of electricity from variable renewable energy (VRE)…

Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploring long-term environmental problems

Long-term scenario analyses can be powerful tools to explore plausible futures of human development under changing environmental, social, and economic conditions and to evaluate implications of…

Better soils for healthier lives?

Malnutrition, the suboptimal consumption of essential nutrients like zinc, severely affects human health. This burden of malnutrition falls disproportionally heavy on developing countries, directly…

Mind the Gap

This paper uses a contingent valuation study and an actual donation request to assess the impact of behavioral factors on hypothetical bias in stated willingness-to-pay estimates. Our findings…

Towards a generic analytical framework for sustainable nitrogen management: application for China

Managing reactive nitrogen (Nr) to achieve a sustainable balance between production of food, feed and fibre, and environmental protection is a grand challenge in the context of an increasingly…

Soil Chemistry Aspects of Predicting Future Phosphorus Requirements in Sub‐Saharan Africa

Improving food security in Sub‐Saharan Africa requires a dramatic increase in agricultural yields, which depend on available soil phosphorus in the vast areas of phosphorus-fixing soils. This study…

Policy and practice – affordable housing in the Netherlands

Over the past few years, housing in the Netherlands has become increasingly less affordable, especially for lower income households. This article describes the causes and the most recent policy…