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Exploring past and future changes in the ecological footprint for world regions

The Ecological Footprint (EF) has received considerable attention as a useful indicator in the context of sustainable development. So far, it has mostly been applied as a static indicator. Here, we…

Pesticide leaching to the groundwater in drinking water abstraction areas. Analysis with the GeoPEARL model

In the new Dutch decision tree for the evaluation of pesticide leaching from soils, leaching to the shallow groundwater is assessed with the spatially distributed model GeoPEARL. The relative…

How much does a 30% emissionreduction cost? Macroeconomic effects of post-Kyoto climate policy in 2020

This study analyzes the macro-economic impacts of a climate policy that aims to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized countries to 30% below the level of 1990. Such an effort is…

Nature Balance 2004

During the last few decades urban expansion in the Netherlands has led to a reduction in the quality of Dutch landscapes. Historic features continue to disappear. The government’s new National Spatial…

Estimation and detection of flexible trends

Literature on the estimation and detection of linear trends in (environmental) time series is extensive, as overviewed by Hess and others in work published in 2001. However, not all data patterns…

Ammonia concentrations in the Netherlands: spatially detailed measurements and model calculations

From September 2000 to September 2001 the ammonia concentrations in air were measured on a monthly basis at 159 locations in the Netherlands using passive samplers. Eight of the locations were…

Spillover of Climate Policy - An assessment of the incidence of carbon leakage and induced technological change due to CO2 abatement measures

Besides primary, intended effects such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions or controlling global warming, climate policies may have secondary, side-effects - called 'spillovers' - such as the induced…

Outstanding environmental issues. A review of the EU's environmental agenda

EU environmental policy has led to economic investments that have clearly benefited the health of people and ecosystems. But there are still important unresolved environmental issues in Europe, in…

What if the Russians don't ratify?

No real alternatives for implementing Kyoto Protocol without Russia. The Russian ratification of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) was vital for the KP to enter into force. According to a recent MNP-RIVM report…

The Atmosphere-Ocean System of IMAGE 2.2. A global model approach for atmospheric concentrations, and climate and sea level projections

In this report we describe the technical background of the Atmosphere Ocean System (AOS) of the Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment (IMAGE, version 2.2).