The costs of achieving climate targets and the sources of uncertainty
Effective climate policy requires information from various scientific disciplines. Here, we construct a metamodel from climate and integrated assessment models that assesses the emissions budget…
How food secure are the green, rocky and middle roads: food security effects in different world development paths
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address food and nutrition security with goal number two. Food and nutrition security is a complicated issue, and understanding its future requires insights…
Modelling alternative futures of global food security: Insights from FOODSECURE
Global economic models have been increasingly used to project food and agricultural developments for long term-time horizons, but food security aspects have often been limited to food availability…
Public Design of Urban Sprawl: Governments and the Extension of the Urban Fabric in Flanders and the Netherlands
Urban sprawl is often portrayed as a (quasi-)natural process, as inevitable and taking place behind our backs. However, we claim that it is co-produced by government: Governments not only allow sprawl…
Emissions: world has four times the work or one-third of the time
New synthesis shows what a wasted decade means for the climate pact made in Paris. New research shows that nations must now do much more and much faster to limit global warming to well below 2 °C, let…
Assessment of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials for 2030
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials for 2030 based on the assessment of detailed sectoral studies. The overview updates a previous…
Global resource potential of seasonal pumped hydropower storage for energy and water storage
Seasonal mismatches between electricity supply and demand is increasing due to expanded use of wind, solar and hydropower resources, which in turn raises the interest on low-cost seasonal energy…
Stakeholder-designed scenarios for global food security assessments
To guide policymaking, decision makers require a good understanding of the long-term drivers of food security and their interactions. Scenario analysis is widely considered as the appropriate tool to…
A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways
Humanity's transformation of the nitrogen cycle has major consequences for ecosystems, climate and human health, making it one of the key environmental issues. Understanding how trends could evolve…
Multiple dimensions of residential segregation. The case of the metropolitan area of Amsterdam
In this contribution, we analyze residential segregation not just on the basis of dimensions of migration background and income but also according to educational level, class fractions, labor market…