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Multi-gas emission pathways for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations

Stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations 450 CO 2 equivalent or lower requires global emissions to peak within the next two decades, followed by substantial overall reductions by as much as 30 to 50%…

Accounting for change of support in spatial accuracy assessment of modelled soil mineral phosphorous concentration

Agricultural activities in the Netherlands cause high nitrogen and phosphorous fluxes from soil to ground- and surface water. A model chain (STONE) has been developed to study and predict the…

Emission implications of long-term climate targets

The aim of this study is to explore allowable emissions levels of the set of the six greenhouse gases covered under the Kyoto Protocol on the long and short term compatible with any long-term climate…

Abatement costs of post-Kyoto climate regimes

This article analyses the abatement costs of three post-Kyoto regimes for differentiating commitments compatible with stabilising atmospheric greenhouse gases concentrations at 550 ppmv CO2 equivalent…

The Dutch nitrogen cascade in the European perspective

This paper provides an overview of the origin and the fate of nitrogen in the Netherlands, the various reported impacts of nitrogen, the Dutch and European policies to reduce nitrogen emissions and…

Re-use of former farms entails structural change in rural areas

The number of farms in the Netherlands is declining. As a result, many agricultural buildings are losing their original function and designation. This paper considers the re-use of former agricultural…

Web application Guidance for Uncertainty Assessment and Communication

With the release of an interactive web application, the use of the MNP Guidance for Uncertainty Assessment and Communication has been made easier. All components of the Guidance (Mini-Checklist…

River nitrogen export to the worlds oceans

This paper discusses historical and future anthropogenic disturbance of river nutrient loads and export to coastal marine systems, which is a major global problem affecting water quality and…

Re-use of former farms and hidden urbanization of rural areas

In Western Europe the agricultural sector is confronted with decreasing revenues and complex regulations. These circumstances bring about three developments, which have consequences for rural areas…

The land-use projections and resulting emission in the IPCC SRES scenarios as simulated by the IMAGE 2.2 model

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) developed a new series of emission scenarios (SRES). Six global models were used to develop SRES but most focused primarily on energy and industry…