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Indirect effects of biofuels: intensification of agricultural production

Agricultural intensification has the potential to reduce indirect land-use change from biofuels. If such intensification is realised only by applying more fertiliser, this may lead to substantial…

Postponing emission reductions from 2020 to 2030 increases climate risks and long-term costs

Substantially postponing the emission reductions, compared to the ranges indicated in IPCC’s recent assessment for 2020 as required for meeting the longterm 2°C target, increases the risk of exceeding…

The contribution of by-products to the sustainability of biofuels

The cultivation of energy crops on arable land may lead to the displacement of food crops and to indirect land-use change (ILUC) with biodiversity loss and extra greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the…

Methodologies for estimating shipping emissions in the Netherlands

Proper estimation of shipping emissions is essential for an impact assessment of shipping on air quality and health in port cities and coastal regions. In the Netherlands shipping is an important…

Historical (1850-2000) gridded anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of reactive gases and aerosols: Methodology and application

In this paper a new dataset of gridded emissions covering the historical period (1850–2000) in decadal increments at a horizontal resolution of 0.5° in latitude and longitude is presented and…

Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2010

This report constituting the Netherlands Informative Inventory Report (IIR) contains information on the inventories in the Netherlands up to 2008. It includes descriptions of methods and data sources…

Greenhouse gas emissions for the EU in four future scenarios

The European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be revised in the near future. A proposed agricultural policy reform will affect many dimensions of the sustainable development of agriculture. One…

Designing the conditions for an innovation system for sustainable development in a knowledge democracy

Sustainable development (SD) is a societal goal, requiring innovations in products, services and thinking. What are the requirements for an innovation system that produces more sustainable products…

Identifying the indirect effects of bio-energy production

Bio-energy has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Indirect effects might partly or even completely undo this advantage. Indirect land use change (ILUC) – leading to emissions and…

Peatlands and carbon flows

Peatlands are found on all continents, however, uncertainties regarding their size and exact locations are very high. Horticulture is the main user of peat in the Netherlands. Compared to other…