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News in climate science and exploring boundaries : A Policy brief on developments since the IPCC AR4 report in 2007

The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report of 2007 (AR4), today, still offers a solid scientific base for climate policy-making. However, there are risks of climate change happening faster - or having more…

A Green Development Mechanism

Compensating biodiversity loss on the global scale is possible, but has limited effect on the average global biodiversity, in terms of mean species abundance (MSA). Compensation on smaller scales…

Meeting radiative forcing targets under delayed participation

Early participation of key developing countries is critically important for the feasibility of achieving low greenhouse gas concentration targets. The IMAGE framework is able to identify mitigation…

Attainability of PM2.5 air quality standards, situation for the Netherlands in a European context

It is likely that the air quality standards for PM2.5 will be met in time under current and proposed national and European policies, assuming average meteorological conditions. In 2015, the…

Climate change monitoring in the Netherlands

The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coordinates, at the request of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the global…

The importance of three centuries of land-use change for the global and regional terrestrial carbon cycle

Large amounts of carbon (C) have been released into the atmosphere over the past centuries. Less than half of this C stays in the atmosphere. The remainder is taken up by the oceans and terrestrial…

Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and decision making

Despite the growing body of literature on ecosystem services, still many challenges remain to structurally integrate ecosystem services in landscape planning, management and design. This paper…

CO2 emission reduction in transport - Confronting medium-term and long-term options for achieving climate targets in the Netherlands

To meet long-term climate targets, developed countries should reduce greenhouse gas emission with 65 to 95% compared to 2000 levels. If the transport sector should match these reductions three crucial…

Fossil Fuel Deposit Fires; Occurrence Inventory, design and assessment of Instrumental Options. Chinese Summary

本项目总结了对化石燃料沉积层,特别是煤炭在原地发生燃烧之问题的现有研究成 果。利用最新地球观测技术和即将实现的技术和方法,包括改良型传感器、(半)自动探测算法以及地下空间燃烧模型,把煤炭的物理特性及其燃烧释放物与各种探测和监测方法进行了关联探讨。关于灭火问题,重点放在减排机制(如清洁发展机制 CDM)的监测和审计技术难题方面,并列出了一份现有灭火技术目录。 化石燃料沉积层火灾;火灾发生目录…

Fossil Fuel Deposit Fires; Occurrence Inventory, design and assessment of Instrumental Options

This project brings together existing knowledge on the problem of combustion of in-situ fossil-fuel deposits, in particular coal occurrences. It links the physical properties of coal and its…