The future of vascular plant diversity under four global scenarios
Biodiversity is of crucial importance for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Using quantitative projections of changes in land use and climate from the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment…
Denitritication across landscapes and waterscapes: a synthesis
Both newly fixed N and recycled N (e.g., manure) are processed by terrestrial ecosystems. A substantial portion of this recycled N is subsequently transferred to groundwater, wetlands, lakes, rivers…
N2O and NO emission from agricultural fields and soils under natural vegetation
In this paper we present the latest analysis of N 2O and NO emission measurement data for agricultural soils which has been used in the update of the IPCC Guidelines for National Emission Inventories…
Exploring changes in world ruminant production systems
In the past 30 years world production of ruminant meat and milk has increased by about 40%, while the global area of grassland has increased by only 4%. This is because most of the increase in…
Regional costs and benefits of alternative post-Kyoto climate regimes: Comparison of variants of the Multi-stage and Per Capita Convergence regimes
This study explores technical, economic and environmental implications of different post-Kyoto climate regimes for differentiation of future commitments that would lead to a stabilisation of…
Effective approaches for predicting environmental concentrations of pesticides: the APECOP project
Environmental fate modelling is now actively used for the registration of plant protection products (PPPs). Yet, to be efficient in a harmonized registration process, the quality of PEC modelling…
Development of an environmental indicator which can be used on national and regional scales for evaluating pesticide emissions in The Netherlands
As part of the new governmental program on pesticides the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries and the ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & the Environment have jointly…
Comparison of GeoPEARL with the single scenario approach in pesticide registration
Several countries use one or a few scenarios to evaluate the leaching of pesticides. This, however, can be too strict for some substances while being too lenient for others, because of the wide ranges…
Emissions of N2O and NO from fertilized fields: summary of available measurement data
In this paper, information from 846 N 2O emission measurements in agricultural fields and 99 measurements for NO emissions was used to describe the influence of various factors regulating emissions…
Food security may be threatened by loss of soil productivity as a result of human-induced land degradation. Water erosion is the most important cause of land degradation, and its effects are…