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Phosphorus demand for the 1970–2100 period: A scenario analysis of resource depletion

The phosphorus (P) cycle has been significantly altered by human activities. For this paper, we explored the sustainability of current P flows in terms of resource depletion and the ultimate fate of…

Global river nutrient export: A scenario analysis of past and future trend

Synthesis of the Global Nutrient export from Watersheds project.

Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen inputs and riverine DIN exports from the Changjiang River basin

Our result indicates that anthropogenically enhanced N inputs dominate and will continue to dominate river DIN yields under changing human pressures in the basin. Therefore, nitrogen pollution is and…

N:P:Si nutrient export ratios and ecological consequences in coastal seas evaluated by the ICEP approach

Calculated Indicator for Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP) for the year 2050 based on Global NEWS data for the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios show increasing values particularly…

Peatlands and carbon flows

Peatlands are found on all continents, however, uncertainties regarding their size and exact locations are very high. Horticulture is the main user of peat in the Netherlands. Compared to other…

Magnitudes and sources of dissolved inorganic phosphorus inputs to surface fresh waters and the coastal zone

The first spatially explicit, global DIP river export: a major step forwards

Progress in the modelling of critical thresholds, impacts on plant species diversity and ecosystem services in Europe. CCE Status report 2009

The CCE Status Report 2009 demonstrates that effects of nitrogen deposition are interrelated with the change of climate and biodiversity. The report proposes indicators, modelling methodologies and…

Human alteration of the global nitrogen and phosphorus soil balances for the period 1970–2050

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) scenarios allow for describing contrasting future developments in agricultural nutrient use under changing climate for the next five decades. Massive…

Global nitrogen and phosphate in urban wastewater for the period 1970 to 2050

This paper constitutes the first spatially explicit, global assessment of sewage N and P emissions to surface water for the period 1970 to 2000, and the first projection of such N and P emissions for…

Global patterns of dissolved silica export to the coastal zone: Results from a spatially explicit global model

This study presents a model for river export of dissolved SiO 2, with river-basin spatial scale and an annual temporal scale. The model is based on four variables with a significant influence on DSi…