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Better soils for healthier lives? Assessing the link between soil nutrients and malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa

Malnutrition, the sub-optimal consumption of essential nutrients like zinc, severely affects human health. This burden of malnutrition falls disproportionally heavy on developing countries, directly…

Deliverable D2.2 Nexus-relevant policies at national and regional scale

Implementation of the UNFCCC Paris agreement on climate change gets more attention from European national governments than the multi-sectoral Sustainable Development Goals. This unilateral focus may…

Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy

Food insecurity can be directly exacerbated by climate change due to crop-production-related impacts of warmer and drier conditions that are expected in important agricultural regions. However…

Comparing impacts of climate change and mitigation on global agriculture by 2050

Systematic model inter-comparison helps to narrow discrepancies in the analysis of the future impact of climate change on agricultural production. This paper presents a set of alternative scenarios by…

Reducing global GHG emissions by replicating successful sector examples: the ‘good practice policies’ scenario

This article shows the potential impact on global greenhous gas (GHG) emissions in 2030, if all countries were to implement sectoral climate policies similar to successful examples already implemented…

Exploring spatiotemporal changes of the Yangtze River (Changjiang) nitrogen and phosphorus sources, retention and export to the East China Sea and Yellow Sea

Since 1900, N export by the Yangtze river increased 17-fold and that of P 7-fold. This dramatic increase in coastal nutrient loading could lead to declining oxygen concentrations waters, and the…

Reducing external costs of nitrogen pollution by relocation of pig production between regions in the European Union

Relocation of pig production between provinces (224 NUTS2 regions) within the EU27 can reduce the total external costs of nitrogen pollution by about 10% (14 billion €). Eligible regions for…

Future agricultural phosphorus demand according to the shared socioeconomic pathways

The five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) show similar global crop P uptake and P inputs, despite differences in population and incomes. In the sustainability scenario SSP1, the increase in P…

Scientific Opinion on the state of the science on pesticide risk assessment for amphibians and reptiles

The EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues developed an opinion on the science to support the potential development of a risk assessment scheme of plant protection products for…

Assessing future reactive nitrogen inputs into global croplands based on the shared socioeconomic pathways

Only under the most optimistic sustainability scenario, the global synthetic fertilizer use in croplands stabilizes or even shrinks in the coming decades. In the most pessimistic fragmentation…