Environmental Balance 2006


The Dutch Environmental Balance 2006 describes the Dutch state of the environment in 2005. It offers an evaluation of policy influences on the environment, including the barriers, opportunities and dilemmas involved.

Summary of the environmental Balance 2006

Pressure on the environment in the Netherlands has continued to fall in recent years despite growth in the economy (GDP), mainly because industrial production has become cleaner. However, growth in consumption has led to a rise in CO2 emissions. Much of the rise in CO2 emissions by consumers has been driven by spending on mobility: people drive further and in heavier cars. Technological improvements in production processes have been insufficient to compensate for the increasing pressure on the environment due to growth in consumption.

It is estimated that the decoupling of economic growth from environmental pressures will continue in the period to 2010. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is finding it difficult to comply with EU requirements with its current policies, despite additional national measures to supplement EU point source pollution policy. The relatively high emissions per square kilometer in the Netherlands are partly a consequence of the high concentration of activities (population, transport), which in turn is a function of the country’s geographical location.

In many fields of environmental policy the Netherlands makes legitimate use of the possibilities for flexible interpretation of EU targets, such as ‘area averaging’ and deferring targets in time (air quality) or in amount (use of manure). Area averaging allows targets to be exceeded at some locations, as long as they are met on average across a wider area (e.g. policies for nitrate and air quality). Postponing achievement of targets may lead to greater health effects and delay in restoring environmental conditions to a level that can support the stated objectives for nature conservation and restoration. The Netherlands is not alone when it comes to difficulties in meeting the objectives. Many other EU member states are unable to meet EU targets under their current policies.


Kruitwagen S , Faber A (eds)


Environmental Balance 2006
30 mei 2006
Publicatie type