Nederland heeft in nieuwe ‘stroomgebiedbeheer-plannen’ voor de periode 2016-2021 vastgelegd welke maatregelen het wil nemen om de ecologische einddoelen te halen die het zich heeft gesteld binnen de…
Zonder huurtoeslag zouden veel meer huurders moeite hebben om hun maandelijkse woonlasten en de kosten van levensonderhoud te betalen. Corporaties kunnen huurders ook tegemoetkomen door de huur niet…
Trends in Global Vegetation Activity and Climatic Drivers Indicate a Decoupled Response to Climate Change
Detailed understanding of a possible decoupling between climatic drivers of plant productivity and the response of ecosystems vegetation is required. We compared trends in six NDVI metrics (1982–2010)…
Management options for restoring estuarine dynamics and implications for ecosystems: A quantitative approach for the Southwest Delta in the Netherlands
The Delta Works protect against flooding, but simultaneously cause environmental and socio-economic problems. We explore the consequences of management options and their implications for the…
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework
The ecosystem services concept is a cornerstone of contemporary sustainability thought. Challenges with this concept and its applications are well documented, but have not been systematically assessed…
Coupling global models for hydrology and nutrient loading to simulate nitrogen and phosphorus retention in surface water – description of IMAGE–GNM and analysis of performance
The Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment (IMAGE) was extended with the Global Nutrient Model (GNM) to study the impact of multiple simultaneous environmental changes on nitrogen (N) and…
Kengetallen voor het inschatten van projectbaten op terrein van zoetwater nader bekeken
In MKBA’s wordt vaak gebruik gemaakt van kengetallen om projectbaten inzichtelijk te maken. Op verzoek van Rijkswaterstaat hebben het CPB en het PBL kengetallen voor biodiversiteit, fijnstof…
Understanding global future river flood risk is a prerequisite for the quantification of climate change impacts and planning effective adaptation strategies. Existing global flood risk projections…
Joint Actions for Air Quality and Climate Mitigation in Europe
Combined action for air and climate can be undertaken by (i) targeting atmospheric compounds that happen to have detrimental impacts on health, ecosystem and climate at the same time (short lived…