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Evaluating EDGARv4.tox2 speciated mercury emissions ex-post scenarios and their impacts on modelled global and regional wet deposition patterns

Speciated mercury gridded emissions inventories together with chemical transport models and concentration measurements are essential when investigating both the effectiveness of mitigation measures…

Future agricultural phosphorus demand according to the shared socioeconomic pathways

The five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) show similar global crop P uptake and P inputs, despite differences in population and incomes. In the sustainability scenario SSP1, the increase in P…

Assessing future reactive nitrogen inputs into global croplands based on the shared socioeconomic pathways

Only under the most optimistic sustainability scenario, the global synthetic fertilizer use in croplands stabilizes or even shrinks in the coming decades. In the most pessimistic fragmentation…

Uncertain Environmental Footprint of Current and Future Battery Electric Vehicles

The future environmental impacts of battery electric vehicles (EVs) are very important given their expected dominance in future transport systems. Previous studies have shown these impacts to be…

Pathways for agriculture and forestry to contribute to terrestrial biodiversity conservation: a global scenario-study

While there has been an increase in the societal responses to biodiversity loss, in most cases this will not be sufficient to achieve the biodiversity targets by 2020, let alone to realise the long…

Scenarios for Demand Growth of Metals in Electricity Generation Technologies, Cars, and Electronic Appliances

This study provides scenarios toward 2050 for the demand of five metals in electricity production, cars, and electronic appliances. The metals considered are copper, tantalum, neodymium, cobalt, and…

Limited emission reductions from fuel subsidy removal except in energy-exporting regions

Hopes are high that removing fossil fuel subsidies could help to mitigate climate change by discouraging inefficient energy consumption and levelling the playing field for renewable energy. In…

Negatieve emissies - Technisch potentieel, realistisch potentieel en kosten voor Nederland

In december 2015 hebben bijna alle landen ter wereld zich in het Parijsakkoord ten doel gesteld om de mondiale temperatuurstijging te beperken tot 2°C en, indien mogelijk, tot 1,5°C. Om hieraan te…

Blog Energiepodium - Zonder ideale aanpak toch verstandig klimaatbeleid voeren

Eind vorig jaar maakte het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving een eerste inschatting van het mogelijke effect van opties en maatregelen uit het Regeerakkoord op de emissies van broeikasgassen. De…

The role of individual characteristics in car ownership shortly after relationship dissolution

The end of a relationship is a life event that often coincides with many other changes in life, such as a decline in income level or household size or a change of residence. This study aims to provide…