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Informative inventory report 2019

In the 2019 Informative Inventory Report (IIR) by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Dutch emission data on transboundary air polluting substances are published…

Informative Inventory Report 2018

In the 2018 Informative Inventory Report (IIR) by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Dutch emission data on transboundary air polluting substances have been…

GHG mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries: an overview of recently adopted policies

NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and IIASA present an overview of on climate change mitigation policies in 25 major emitting countries/regions that have been…

Evaluating EDGARv4.tox2 speciated mercury emissions ex-post scenarios and their impacts on modelled global and regional wet deposition patterns

Speciated mercury gridded emissions inventories together with chemical transport models and concentration measurements are essential when investigating both the effectiveness of mitigation measures…

EU targets for air quality, climate and energy, for 2030; consequences for the economy and emissions

This study by PBL investigates the possible economic consequences by 2030, as well as the impact on emissions of the new EU policy on air quality, climate and energy.

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2015: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2017

In the 2017 Informative Inventory Report (IIR) by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Dutch emission data on transboundary air polluting substances have been…

Exploring synergies between climate and air quality policies using long-term global and regional emission scenarios

In this paper, we present ten scenarios developed using the IMAGE framework (Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment) to explore how different assumptions on future climate and air pollution…

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2014: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2016

Ammonia emission levels in the Netherlands increased in 2014. These levels do not comply with the Dutch national emission ceiling for ammonia as set by the European Union, which entered into force in…

Joint Actions for Air Quality and Climate Mitigation in Europe

Combined action for air and climate can be undertaken by (i) targeting atmospheric compounds that happen to have detrimental impacts on health, ecosystem and climate at the same time (short lived…

How well do integrated assessment models represent non-CO2 radiative forcing?

This study aims to create insight in how Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) perform in describing the climate forcing by non-CO 2 gases and aerosols. The simple climate models (SCMs) included in IAMs…