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Accounting for environmental damage by material production and use

The environmental damage related to the production and use of materials is one of the main motives behind the wide interest in the transition to a circular economy. This study investigates the…

What can we learn from EU-ETS?

This paper in the Spring 2020 ifo DICE Report on carbon pricing discusses lessons that other regions could learn from European Union’s effort to implement carbon pricing through EU Emission Trading…

Outline of the circular economy

In many countries, governments are looking for ways to change their economy into one that is circular, or to improve the level of resource efficiency (e.g. see the EU programme ‘Closing the loop’ or…

The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of The Channel

In this article we demonstrate that 10-17% of regional GDP in the UK regions is exposed to a Brexit. This is far more than regions in other countries. Only regions in the Republic of Ireland face…

European Regional Competitiveness Scoreboard

The European regional competitiveness scoreboard offers a powerful tool for analysing a region’s competitive position and its position in global economic networks, using a visualisation of regional…

What makes firms leave the neighbourhood?

Limited attention has been paid to how neighbourhood conditions affect firm relocation choices. Using a panel dataset (1999-2006) of actual firm relocations in the Netherlands, the effect of different…

What makes firms leave the neighbourhood?

Limited attention has been paid to how neighbourhood conditions affect firm relocation choices. Using a panel dataset (1999-2006) of actual firm relocations in the Netherlands, the effect of different…

Spatial concentration of industries and new firm exits: does this relationship differ between exits by failure and by M&As?

This study shows that the effect of the spatial concentration of industries on the post-entry hazards of new firms differs between types of exit and industry. New firms located in regions with a…