Het WAVES-programma van de Wereldbank stimuleert de ontwikkeling van natural capital accounting (NCA) in meerdere landen. NCA verbindt de economische statistieken van landen aan natuurlijk kapitaal…
Decomposing passenger transport futures: Comparing results of global integrated assessment models
The transport sector is growing fast in terms of energy use and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are used widely to analyze energy system transitions over a…
Demand for biodiversity protection and carbon storage as drivers of global land change scenarios
Many global land change scenarios are driven by demand for food, feed, fiber, and fuel. However, novel demands for other ecosystem services give rise to nexus issues and can lead to different land…
Pragmatic governance in a changing landscape. Exploring the potential of embedded pragmatism for addressing global biodiversity conservation
The changing societal landscape has become a breeding ground for non-state actors as ‘new agents of change’ who contribute to dealing with global issues, such as biodiversity conservation and climate…
Dispersal based climate change sensitivity scores for European species
Assessments of climate change impacts on species are needed for anticipating potential biodiversity losses. Climate change impacts on species are often simulated with climate envelope models, but most…
Alleviating inequality in climate policy costs: an integrated perspective on mitigation, damage and adaptation
Equity considerations play an important role in international climate negotiations. While policy analysis has often focused on equity as it relates to mitigation costs, there are large regional…
Volgens de Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) moet in 2027 overal in Nederland de waterkwaliteit op orde zijn. In het landbouwgebied zijn vooral agrariërs en de waterschappen aan zet. Op dit moment zitten er…
Paris Agreement climate proposals need a boost to keep warming well below 2 °C
The Paris climate agreement aims at holding global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to 'pursue efforts' to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To accomplish this, countries have submitted…
Discussions on a long-term global goal to limit climate change, in the form of an upper limit to warming, were only partially resolved at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change…
Blog Energiepodium - Toekomstdenken: over de grens begint een zwart gat
In het kader van de Energie Unie wordt lidstaten gevraagd in 2017 energiescenario’s in te leveren tot 2030 met een doorkijkje naar 2050. De Europese Commissie stuurt aan op een geüniformeerd kader…