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Uncertainty, precaution, and risk governance

Do new and uncertain risks threaten human health? Because science is unable to sufficiently answer this question, risk and safety policies confront limits, exemplified by climate change and adaptation…

The implications of climate policy for the impacts of climate change on global water resources

This paper assesses the implications of climate policy for exposure to water resources stresses. It compares a Reference scenario which leads to an increase in global mean temperature of 4 °C by the…

Herijking van de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur

De voorgenomen bezuinigingen van het Rijk op het natuur- en landschapsbeleid zullen leiden tot een verdere verslechtering van de natuurkwaliteit en de leefomstandigheden voor planten- en diersoorten…

Voedsel, biodiversiteit en klimaatverandering Mondiale opgaven en nationaal beleid

Het blijkt technisch mogelijk om genoeg voedsel te verbouwen voor 9 miljard mensen en de ondervoeding terug te dringen, maar dat zal vooral ten koste gaan van de biodiversiteit in tropische en…

Climate change under aggressive mitigation: the ENSEMBLES multi-model experiment

This paper present results from multiple comprehensive models used to simulate an aggressive mitigation scenario based on detailed results of an Integrated Assessment Model. The experiment employs ten…

Holocene carbon emissions as a result of anthropogenic land cover change

Humans have altered the Earth’s land surface since the Paleolithic mainly by clearing woody vegetation first to improve hunting and gathering opportunities, and later to provide agricultural cropland…

Nutriënten in het Nederlandse zoete oppervlaktewater: toestand en trends

De meeste Nederlandse wateren hebben een onvoldoende waterkwaliteit door hoge gehalten aan de voedingsstoffen stikstof en fosfor. In meren en plassen leidt dit tot hoge gehalten aan algen en een…

The use of scenarios as the basis for combined assessment of climate change mitigation and adaptation

Scenarios are used to explore the consequences of different adaptation and mitigation strategies under uncertainty. In this paper, two scenarios are used to explore developments with no mitigation…

The relationship between short-term emissions and long-term concentration targets

The relationship between long-term climate goals and short/medium-term emission targets forms crucial information for the design of international climate policy. Since IPCC’s 4th Assessment Report…

Uncertainty and risk in climate projections for the 21st century

There are by now many studies on estimation of uncertainty of climate system properties and model parameters but still only few on probabilistic climate projections. Moreover, most of these studies…