Reducing global GHG emissions by replicating successful sector examples: the ‘good practice policies’ scenario
This article shows the potential impact on global greenhous gas (GHG) emissions in 2030, if all countries were to implement sectoral climate policies similar to successful examples already implemented…
Exploring spatiotemporal changes of the Yangtze River (Changjiang) nitrogen and phosphorus sources, retention and export to the East China Sea and Yellow Sea
Since 1900, N export by the Yangtze river increased 17-fold and that of P 7-fold. This dramatic increase in coastal nutrient loading could lead to declining oxygen concentrations waters, and the…
Het effect op het Nederlandse energieverbruik van maatregelenpakketten voor 49% emissiereductie van broeikasgassen
Deze notitie beschrijft op verzoek van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat het effect van verschillende nationale maatregelpakketten voor de reductie van broeikasgasemissies op het finale…
In het regeerakkoord Rutte-3 is aangegeven dat een emissiereductiedoel van 49% in 2030 uitgangspunt wordt van een nieuw klimaat- en energieakkoord, en dat maatregelen worden genomen die voorbereiden…
GHG mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries: an overview of recently adopted policies
NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and IIASA present an overview of on climate change mitigation policies in 25 major emitting countries/regions that have been…
Enhancing global climate policy ambition towards a 1.5 °C stabilization: a short-term multi-model assessment
The Paris Agreement is a milestone in international climate policy as it establishes a global mitigation framework towards 2030 and sets the ground for a potential 1.5 °C climate stabilization. To…
Developments in monitoring climate change adaptation in urban areas. Quick scan of experiences outside the Netherlands.
In support of the Dutch Delta Programme on Spatial Adaptation, PBL has conducted a quick scan of developments outside the Netherlands in methods to monitor the impact (output and outcome) of policies…
This publication shows that, without improved water management or adaptation to climate change, the global sustainability goals cannot be achieved. The report highlights the urgent need for an…
Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios to expert projections
Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are computer-based instruments used to assess the implications of human activity on the human and earth system. They are simultaneously also used to explore…