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Analysing group contract design using a threshold public goods experiment

This paper presents the results of a threshold public goods game experiment with heterogeneous players. The experiment is designed in close collaboration with the Dutch association of agri…

A closer look at integrated pest management

Growers, buyers and suppliers have not been sufficiently successful in reducing the use of chemical plant protection products. Policy is needed, by both the government and the sector, to stop the…

Pathways for agriculture and forestry to contribute to terrestrial biodiversity conservation: a global scenario-study

While there has been an increase in the societal responses to biodiversity loss, in most cases this will not be sufficient to achieve the biodiversity targets by 2020, let alone to realise the long…

BioScore 2.0, a species-by-species model to assess anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial biodiversity in Europe

The BioScore 2.0 model analyses impacts of human-induced pressures on European terrestrial biodiversity. The model can be used for scenario analysis and the assessment of policy options. This report…

Impacts of European livestock production: nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and greenhouse gas emissions, land-use, water eutrophication and biodiversity

Livestock production systems currently occupy around 28% of the land surface of the European Union (equivalent to 65% of the agricultural land). In conjunction with other human activities, livestock…

Nitrogen: 'Too much of a good thing'

Nitrogen pollution costs the European Union between €70 billion and €320 billion per year. This cost is more than double the value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated to add to European farm…

Europe’s Nitrogen Problem

For the last five years, scientists across Europe have chronicled the little-known nitrogen dilemma and the threats it poses to our environment and health – as well as how we can solve the problem.

The Common Agricultural Policy: Possible contribution towards achieving biodiversity targets for Dutch agricultural areas

In discussions on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, currently, the general opinion is that payments (made to farmers) within the framework of the CAP should be better linked to…

Contribution of the CAP to achieving environmental, nature and landscape policy targets

Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy offers options for remunerating farmers for taking measures that benefit agricultural nature, landscape, water quality, adaptation to climate change, and…

Global river nutrient export: A scenario analysis of past and future trend

Synthesis of the Global Nutrient export from Watersheds project.