7 politieke partijen hebben hun programma’s voor de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in maart 2017 in geconcretiseerde maatregelenpakketten voorgelegd aan het PBL. Het PBL heeft deze maatregelen geanalyseerd…
Science-based greenhouse gas emission targets for agriculture and forestry
To limit global warming to well below 2 °C, as agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement, climate actions by the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use (AFOLU) sector are crucial. The greenhouse gas…
Lessons from temporal and spatial patterns in global use of N and P fertilizer on cropland
Many high-income countries have experienced excessive nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs from fertilizer and animal manure in crop production in the 1970s and 1980s. Landscapes have a nutrient…
REDD policy impacts on the agri-food sector and food security
Recent research shows that the combined contributions of deforestation, forest degradation and peat land emissions account for about 15% of greenhouse gas emissions. The REDD policy which preserves…
Indicators and modelling of land use, land management and ecosystem services
This report provides the technical description of seven models on ecosystem services on a European scale. The ecosystem services included are carbon sequestration, erosion prevention, flood regulation…
Ondernemen met natuurlijk kapitaal in de voedselsector
In de studie Ondernemen met natuurlijk kapitaal in de voedselsector analyseert het PBL de businessmodellen van de innovatieve ondernemers en de betekenis van deze bedrijven voor de verduurzaming van…
BioScore 2.0, a species-by-species model to assess anthropogenic impacts on terrestrial biodiversity in Europe
The BioScore 2.0 model analyses impacts of human-induced pressures on European terrestrial biodiversity. The model can be used for scenario analysis and the assessment of policy options. This report…
Synthesis and review: Tackling the nitrogen management challenge: from global to local scales
One of the ‘grand challenges’ of this age is the anthropogenic impact exerted on the nitrogen cycle. Issues of concern range from an excess of fixed nitrogen resulting in environmental pressures for…
The picture of Africa’s increasing dependence on imports and large-scale agricultural expansion to keep up its food supply needs nuancing. Domestic production increase was the dominant factor for food…
The PBL study Subsiding soils, rising costs provides a clear-cut overview of the impact of peatland subsidence and possible measures for both rural and urban areas. A directed policy adopted now may…