Daan Boezeman

Senior wetenschappelijk onderzoeker Volledige naam
Dr. D.F. (Daan) Boezeman I work as a senior policy analyst at the department of Water, Agriculture and Food of PBL the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. My main focus is agricultural policy in the Netherlands. I am particularly interested in patterns of institutional change and the role of (scientific) knowledge in public policy. In the past I was an assistant professor at the departments of Geography, Planning & Environment and Public Administration at Radboud University Nijmegen, and a visiting professor at the University of Alberta, Canada. Originally trained as an economist (2006) and a political scientist (2008), I did my PhD in the governance of climate change adaptation (2015 cum laude). Topics I study or have studied include institutional innovation and new policy instruments in environmental governance, most notably agricultural policy, nitrogen and nature policy, water policy, rural development, climate change adaptation, climate mitigation policy and geo-engineering.
- 2015 PhD Environmental Studies (Radboud University)
- 2008 MSc Political sciences of the environment (Radboud University)
- 2006 MSc Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Assistant professor, Public Administration, Radboud University
- Visiting professor, Earth and Athmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta
- Assistant professor, Geography, Planning and Environment, Radboud University
- Affiliated research, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University
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