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Emissions: world has four times the work or one-third of the time

New synthesis shows what a wasted decade means for the climate pact made in Paris. New research shows that nations must now do much more and much faster to limit global warming to well below 2 °C, let…

Natuurinclusieve landbouw: wat beweegt boeren?

Er wordt veel gepraat over natuurinclusieve landbouw. Maar de vraag wat boeren zelf van natuurinclusieve landbouw vinden, en waarom ze wel of niet in natuurinclusieve landbouw willen investeren…

Assessment of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials for 2030

The aim of this article is to provide an overview of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials for 2030 based on the assessment of detailed sectoral studies. The overview updates a previous…

Eindadvies basisbedragen SDE++ 2020

Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) heeft aan het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) gevraagd advies uit brengen over de Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energietransitie (SDE++)…

Toelichting emissieraming landbouw 2020-2030

In opdracht van het PBL heeft Wageningen University & Research (WUR) het rapport Referentieraming van emissies naar de lucht uit landbouw en landgebruik tot 2030 (Velthof et al, 2019) opgesteld. Het…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO. The…

A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways

Humanity's transformation of the nitrogen cycle has major consequences for ecosystems, climate and human health, making it one of the key environmental issues. Understanding how trends could evolve…

Analysing international shipping and aviation emission projections

This report presents an analysis of published emission projections of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and other, sectoral, models. At the moment, international aviation and shipping are…

Trends in Global CO2 and Total Greenhouse Gas emissions; 2019 report

Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased at 1.5% per year, over the last decade, with only a slight slowdown from 2014 to 2016. In 2018, the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions…

Effects of European emission reductions on air quality in the Netherlands and the associated health effects

Since the 1970s, European policies to improve air quality have resulted in fewer air polluting emissions, in many countries. As a result, levels of ambient concentrations of particulate matter and…