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Key determinants of global land-use projections

Land use is at the core of various sustainable development goals. Long-term climate foresight studies have structured their recent analyses around five socio-economic pathways (SSPs), with consistent…

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990 - 2017

This report documents the submission of the Dutch annual greenhouse gas emission inventory for 2019, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate…

The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance

The increasing relevance of cities as transnational actors raises the need to align strategic environmental planning at local levels with the implementation of global goals. To bridge this gap…

Achtergronddocument Effecten Ontwerp Klimaatakkoord: Landbouw en Landgebruik

Dit rapport beschrijft de achtergronden bij de PBL-analyse van de effecten van het ontwerp klimaatakkoord voor de sector landbouw en landgebruik. De analyse verkent wat het effect is van de…

Consumption-based biodiversity footprints

Land use related to human consumption patterns leads to significant loss of biodiversity. Here, the implications of using different indicators in the calculation of biodiversity footprints caused by…

Identifying the drivers for succesful implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives

There are a large number of factors that drive the success of conservation measures for habitats and species. PBL has contributed to a study to assess these drivers. The legitimate status that…

The future of biomass and bioenergy deployment and trade: a synthesis of 15 years IEA Bioenergy Task 40 on sustainable bioenergy trade

Current biomass production and trade volumes for energy and new materials and bio‐chemicals are only a small fraction to achieve the bioenergy levels suggested by many global energy and climate change…

De ontwikkeling van de Global Environment Outlook

De serie Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is wereldwijd het voorbeeld voor beleidsgerichte rapportage over milieu en ontwikkeling. GEO rapporten belichten toekomstige uitdagingen en opties voor beleid…

Insights from the intellectual history of the Global Environment Outlook

The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) has successfully established a template for global, regional and local reporting on environment and development. GEO highlights upcoming challenges and options for…

PCLake+: an extended version of the lake water quality model PCLake

The lake ecosystem model PCLake is a process-based model that was developed to simulate water quality based on ecological interactions in shallow, non-stratifying lakes in the temperate climate zone.