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Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploring long-term environmental problems

Long-term scenario analyses can be powerful tools to explore plausible futures of human development under changing environmental, social, and economic conditions and to evaluate implications of…

Better soils for healthier lives?

Malnutrition, the suboptimal consumption of essential nutrients like zinc, severely affects human health. This burden of malnutrition falls disproportionally heavy on developing countries, directly…

Mind the Gap

This paper uses a contingent valuation study and an actual donation request to assess the impact of behavioral factors on hypothetical bias in stated willingness-to-pay estimates. Our findings…

Policy and practice – affordable housing in the Netherlands

Over the past few years, housing in the Netherlands has become increasingly less affordable, especially for lower income households. This article describes the causes and the most recent policy…

Beleid en praktijk – betaalbaar wonen in Nederland

De afgelopen jaren is de betaalbaarheid van het wonen sterk onder druk komen staan, vooral bij huishoudens met een lager inkomen. Dit artikel beschrijft de oorzaken en meest recente beleidsmaatregelen…

Zorg om banen in de ouderenzorg

De Nederlandse bevolking vergrijst de komende decennia in een rap tempo. Vooral de groep ‘oude ouderen’, de 75-plussers, groeit sterk. Deze ouderen wonen veelal zelfstandig, maar hebben daarbij wel…

Looking under the hood: A comparison of techno-economic assumptions across national and global integrated assessment models

Integrated assessment models are extensively used in the analysis of climate change mitigation and are informing national decision makers as well as contribute to international scientific assessments…

Global Carbon Budget 2018

Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere – the “global carbon budget” – is important to…

Integrated assessment of biomass supply and demand in climate change mitigation scenarios

Biomass is often seen as a key component of future energy systems as it can be used for heat and electricity production, as a transport fuel, and a feedstock for chemicals. Furthermore, it can be used…

Oefenen met de toekomst: ongemakkelijk én inspirerend

Om hun werk zo goed mogelijk te doen proberen planologen, stedenbouwkundigen en verkeerskundigen zich een beeld te vormen wat de toekomst gaat brengen. En die toekomst is met een grote onzekerheid…