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Naar een wereld van steden in 2050

In ontwikkelingslanden vormt de groei van steden een grote uitdaging voor schoon drinkwater, riolering, afvalwaterzuivering en de bescherming tegen overstromingen. Daarover gaat het rapport ‘Towards a…

Het potentieel van zonnestroom in de gebouwde omgeving van Nederland

Het vermogen van zon-PV in Nederland is in 2013 gegroeid tot 0,7 gigawatt (GW). Een groei tot 16 GW is door de huidige distributienetten goed op te vangen. Bij een verdere groei zijn maatregelen nodig…

Share of raw material costs in total production costs

The share of raw material costs in the total costs for producers can be calculated using different methods. This note compares two of these methods; the energy and material costs and the basic raw…

Pigouviaanse belastingen op energie in Nederland

Bij het gebruik van energie komen er emissies vrij die leiden tot klimaatverandering en luchtverontreiniging. Omdat er voor deze negatieve externe effecten geen markt aanwezig is, hoeven de…

The Netherlands in 21 infographics

In ‘The Netherlands in 21 infographics – Facts and figures on the human environment’ the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency presents facts and figures in a novel way. The booklet covers…

How climate proof is the European Union’s biodiversity policy?

In the European Union’s (EU) targets for the year 2020, climate change is recognised as a key challenge for biodiversity conservation. Meeting this challenge requires insight at three levels: the…

Trend analysis from 1970 to 2008 and model evaluation of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions

The Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides a time-series of man-made emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived atmospheric pollutants from 1970 to 2008. With an average…

Regional differences in mitigation strategies: an example for passenger transport

This paper shows the importance of including region-specific circumstances in long-term climate change mitigation strategies, by example of a modeling exercise of the transport sector. Important…

On the relation between weather-related disaster impacts, vulnerability and climate change

Disasters such as floods, storms, heatwaves and droughts can have enormous implications for health, the environment and economic development. In this article, we address the question how climate…

Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to changes in harmful algal bloom distribution in response to climate change: projections based on model analysis

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), those proliferations of algae that can cause fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, form unsightly scums, or detrimentally alter ecosystem function have been…