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Trend analysis from 1970 to 2008 and model evaluation of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions

The Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides a time-series of man-made emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived atmospheric pollutants from 1970 to 2008. With an average…

Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to changes in harmful algal bloom distribution in response to climate change: projections based on model analysis

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), those proliferations of algae that can cause fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, form unsightly scums, or detrimentally alter ecosystem function have been…

Key role of China and its agriculture in global sustainable phosphorus management

Growing global demand for food leads to increased pressure on phosphorus (P), a finite and dwindling resource. China is the largest producer and consumer of P fertilizer in the world. A mass balance…

Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2012: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2014

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO x ), ammonia, sulphur dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) in the Netherlands slightly decreased in 2012. As a result, emission levels stayed…

Impact of maritime transport emissions on coastal air quality in Europe

Shipping emissions are currently increasing and will most likely continue to do so in the future due to the increase of global-scale trade. Ship emissions have the potential to contribute to air…

Impact of fragmented emission reduction regimes on the energy market and on CO2-emissions related to land use

In recent years, an approach based on voluntary pledges by individual regions has attracted interest of policy-makers and consequently also climate policy research. In this paper, we analyze scenarios…

Aggregated indices for trends in eutrophication of different types of fresh water in the Netherlands

As in many European countries, eutrophication of surface waters is a key problem in the Netherlands, caused by high concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). For implementation of the EU…

Crop yield response to soil fertility and N, P, K inputs in different environments: Testing and improving the QUEFTS model

Global food production strongly depends on availability of nutrients. Assessment of future global phosphorus (P) fertilizer demand in interaction with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilizers under…

Implications of alternative assumptions regarding future air pollution control in scenarios similar to the Representative Concentration Pathways

The uncertain, future development of emissions of short-lived trace gases and aerosols forms a key factor for future air quality and climate forcing. The Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)…

Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment

Mariculture (marine aquaculture) generates nutrient waste either through the excretion by the reared organisms, or through direct enrichment by, or remineralization of, externally applied feed inputs…