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Halving nitrogen waste in the European Union food systems requires both dietary shifts and farm level actions

This paper analyses options to halve nitrogen losses to the environment by 2030, which is a target of the Farm to EU Fork Strategy. We found that a combination of interventions to (a) increase farm…

The Role of Different Types of Actors In The Future of Sustainable Agriculture In a Dutch Peri-urban Area

Uptake of sustainable agricultural practices highly depends on the role of local actors and farm-level decision-making. Using a peri-urban case study in the Netherlands (Kromme Rijngebied), this…

Identifying Potential Clusters of Future Migration Associated With Water Stress in Africa

Water stress negatively affects rural livelihoods that depend on agriculture. In some contexts, this can influence migration decisions, especially in vulnerable regions with limited adaptive capacity…

Systematiek klimaatopgave

De gebiedsgerichte aanpak in het kader van het Nationaal Programma Landelijk Gebied vergt een vertaalslag van nationale klimaatdoelen voor 2030 naar doelen op provinciaal of gebiedsniveau. Onderzocht…

Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates

Insight into the response of cereal yields to nitrogen fertilizer is fundamental to improving nutrient management and policies to sustain farm economy and food sufficiency with minimum nitrogen…

Verkenning werkprogramma monitoring en evaluatie stikstofreductie en natuurverbetering

Het programmadirectoraat-generaal Stikstof (DG S) van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit heeft een consortium van PBL, RIVM en WUR gevraagd om de mogelijkheden te verkennen voor…

Short- and long-term warming effects of methane may affect the cost-effectiveness of mitigation policies and benefits of low-meat diets

Methane’s short atmospheric life has important implications for the design of global climate change mitigation policies in agriculture. Three different agricultural economic models are used to explore…

Phosphorus for Sustainable Development Goal target of doubling smallholder productivity

The supply of phosphorous is crucial to food security. Future phosphorous management will therefore play an important role in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2, zero hunger). However, in…

Abating ammonia is more cost-effective than nitrogen oxides for global mitigation of particulate matter air pollution

Worldwide, more than 4 million people die prematurely every year due to ambient air pollution. This is more than from malnutrition or overweight. Particulate matter (PM2.5, particles smaller than 2.5…

Food choices and environmental impacts

This commentary provides perspectives on advances over the last decade and future directions for research. Over the last 10 years, research on the topic of food consumption patterns and environmental…